Reservations: +420 775 108 888  |


„Thanks to the awakening of sexual energy, you not only connect with your body, but also with your feelings and intuition. Discover your inwardness and the unrecognized what is inside you, everything beautiful that wishes to be caressed. I would be happy to accompany you on this journey.“

Marcela about the massage:

My journey to a sensual touch and understanding of its powers first led through family constellations and practicing taoist Tai Chi (which I have been doing all the time). Then I realized that I needed more sex-life energy and I wanted to find a way to work with it. That's where the courses of Denisa and Richard helped me. I have discovered that sensual massage is a way to deeply connect with your body and better live your life.

„Working with sexual energy is the most powerful way of experiencing oneself and working with it helps me to follow my dreams.“

What do clients say about Marcela:

Hello, I would like to thank Marcela for a beautiful massage experience. Marcela is a very sensitive, sentient and beautiful creature who can be attuned to the client's wishes, and with her sensitive hands she can touch not only the body but also the soul and the heart. Thank you for a great experience.
I would like to thank once more to Marcela for today’s first dose of wonderful awakening! After longer time I feel nicely loving again and I tend to keep this feeling and build it.
Hello, A couple of days ago, I was at the Tantra Spa for vaginal mapping and a massage by Marcela. Both procedures were completely new to me and went beyond my current taboo. I very much appreciate the gentle attitude, patience and sensitivity I experienced with Marcela, with which she accompanied me all along. It was a wonderful experience and I'm very grateful to have been able to experience it with such a wonderful woman as she is. Thank you and wish you a beautiful evening,
Milá Marci, srdečně děkuji za včerejší citlivou práci s mým tělem a energií. Ještě prožívám hluboký mír a harmonii. Pootevřela jsi mi dveře k tomu, abych si uvědomila, jak silná energie to je. Děkuji a přeji vše dobré.
I just want to write to express my deepest thanks for today’s massage. It was my first time receiving a tantra massage and I was quite nervous. But as soon as Marcela introduced herself, looked me in the eyes and smiled I felt great deal of tension evaporate. She made me feel very at ease as soon as we sat down. While She talked me through the process and explained what would happen, I knew that I had made the right choice to visit. Though I was still a bit nervous I felt open enough to tell her whatwas going on in my sex life and how I was seeking to deepen my understanding of my own sexuality and work on harnessing and controlling my sexual energy. I’d been under a great deal of physical and emotional stress due to the demands of my job. It had left some blockages in my body. But from the moment Marcela touched my hands I felt such an enormous rush of healing energy from her that I immediately felt like crying. Marcel was very kind and held the space for me to release my tears. She told me it was ok to cry. The next 90 minutes were nothing short of amazing for me. I felt much tension and stress leave my body and mind and Marcela was exceptional in holding the space for me to really feel deep into my body. She has wonderful hands, full of warmth and energy. Not once did I feel afraid or scared to move or vocalize my feelings. She was very encouraging and she guided me through some very intense moments and though she hardly spoke, when she did it was as if she knew what I needed to hear. Overall I had a wonderful, deep, intense, relaxing, emotional and very powerful experience today which I will not soon forget. Thank you Marcela for your kindness and patience and beautiful touch. I highly recommend that anyone who is thinking of trying Tantra massage for the first time to book a session with Marcela. Thank you Marcela for your time and energy. I wish you continued success and growth in your life journey. Hope to work with you again soon.
Dobrý den, absolvoval jsem u vás program Gladiátor. Tímto chci poděkovat Marci, která mě celým programem provázela. Program jsem začal bez jakýchkoliv očekávání, nicméně lehce nesvůj, jelikož to byla moje první zkušenost s něčím podobným. Avšak již během první části jsem se díky skvělému přístupu Marci dokázal uvolnit a nechat se provázet cestou, po které jsem ještě nikdy nešel. Každá část byla ochutnávka něčeho, co ve mně vzbudilo chuť pokračovat touto cestou i v osobním životě. Pokaždé jsem odcházel vnitřně nabitý a plný nových zkušeností. Marcela byla citlivá a milá, cítil jsem se skvěle a moc jsem si to užil. Závěrečná masáž na posledním sezení Marcely a Simony byl koncert pro čtyři ruce s perfektní souhrou. Ještě jednou díky a těším se na další setkání.

My education and training courses:

  • Joni a Lingam Massage, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • Vaginal Mapping, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • 10-days Transforming Training of Holistic Sensual Massage, EASE, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • CORE TOUCH – Professional Advanced Training, EASE, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • Masér pro sportovní a rekondiční masáže, BuďFit
  • Retreat for couples, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • Kurz Otevírání srdce, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • Přepis limbického otisku, Ing. Richard Vojík a Mgr. Denisa Palečková
  • Quodoushka I (učení spirituální sexuality), Sweet medicine SunDance – Amara Charles a Asa Kullberg
  • Shakti Queen – Zrození bohyně, Amara Charles a Shyna Venice
  • Medicínská cesta – šamanský výcvik, John Hawken    

Book your massage today

on +420 775 108 888

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