“Let the sensuality and the deep source of knowledge of mature women be perceived as a gift to all who come to try.
All I want is to live in harmony and to be in my body. It allows me to live everyday life with joy and to have life under my own control.”
Iren about the massage:
Bodywork literally freed me up and changed my life. It helped me to understand old patterns that did not allow me to live life to the fullest, and to develop my inner potential that had been dozing in me for so many years.
In practice, this means learn to work with your body and use fully the touch, breath, motion and sound. Those are the greatest helpers on the way to deeper contact with myself, to deeper experience and to feel more.
While working with our intimacy, we open the vulnerability inside us which we also fear often.

Bodywork and conscious touch help to merge physical body and ease memories and events which we have experienced and which have been imprinted in the cell memory of the body.Where the body is frozen, stiff, without the life...there bodywork returns sensitivity and energy.
It is easy to see inner beauty afterwards. Throw away the reins that bind our inner strength. Let yourself realize and live your dreams, to transform them into the reality which we desire so much.
„The sensuality and the deep well of knowledge of a mature woman should be seen as a gift to all who come to taste.“

„Live in the harmony and in the body, that`s what I want. It allows me to live everyday life in happiness and have it in my hands.“

I am fully grounded and in my center and therefore I can safely, objectively and sensitively stay with all that is just happining.
Care of your wound or support of your pleasure, work with sexual energy, opening of your heart...
I have the dynamic female power and move on the goal, at the same time I use also gentleness and kindness, so much needed for work with intimacy. At silence to give a space, wait....give body a chance to work, change and ease what is needed.

„My female intuition allows me to point my attention to desired direction.“
Right at this age I harvest my lifelong experience.
It is never too late.
All is happening in safe and loving rhytm of bodyworker and client.
What do clients say about Iren:
I welcome you, beatiful woman...How are you? ...What can I do for you? Acceptance. Loving care. Woman in her power. Inspiration. Goddess with a warm smile. Love. So this is how unbound and liberated woman Irba looks...I feel her name as connection of mysterious runes „Yr“ and name of healing tree „vr-ba“. Woman with big gifts and gentle heart who heals through her touch. Every woman who visit her, has her own story... My story was story of a soul without the body which desires for a child ... The soul that did not understand its body and therefore it closed towards love, acceptance and creation of new life. Kind and straight leading to the truth by my guide Irba made my soul listen to my body more, to start honor my boundaries, allow it to create, ease its oppressed memory and awaken its free will… I thank Irba from my heart for these first steps on my journey. Let her dream of helping all women who are looking for their journey come through, dream to catalyze their healing, dream of satisfaction and fulfillment in life... Today is the beginning of my New Life I found my key to ...
I knew for a long time that I needed to process and release my traumas through the body – that it is the most effective and precise for me. No fuss around. I appreciate Irena is sensitive, she listens not only to the body but also to words behind the words. She can feel slight nuances and old scars on the soul. During the work I released lot of deep pain I used to carry out for a long time as heavy weights. Irena was able to ground me and return me to my body, she taught me how to accept my responsibility for being „here and now“. She was able to guide me and direct me. One really feels safe near her. I am happy I no longer feel devastating pain from losing my dad. It is a big relief when you let it go. I still have a big chunk of work ahead of me but I am really happy I had even started. Thanks for the opportunity, Irba!
Beaufitul, two-hours long massage when I totally switched of my head and allowed myself to dissolve. I lost track of time and the upcoming days my body was bursting with a whole new energy.
You know, women...Every day is different inside, it is like a carousel. Sure, we all suspect it somehow belongs to our life Cycle. But I still feel a lot wrong sometimes. A bundle of all sorts of marches, processes...which I do not know where they came from and why they are happening right now. And I am looking for that! To be able to better match myself. Not to blame myself. To be happy with myself and to love myself just the way I am. And it is hard. And sometimes, when I feel I cannot manage myself, I seek help outside. And the life brought me to Irba. This nice lady, this sun. Yes, she is crazy. In my eyes for sure she is 😊. But in the most correct and inspiring way. This is how she influences me. And when I want to open up towards somebody and accept help, that is what I need to feel. When I confide (sometimes surrender which is damm hard for me) to someone`s hands, who guides me to my inner wounds kindly, with tenderness and understanding. Who is tuned and in the right moment sends the correct impuls which starts the healing process. And who makes me clear all the time that I am safe and can afford to let go of anything. Let go...forgive. And that is Irba for me. Women, I keep us fingers crossed! There is so much beauty, power and love inside us....Explore!
Couple moths ago I have contacted Irba, therapist in bodywork area. I have been suffering with erection problems for several years and full of worries and nervousness, I had decided for bodywork therapy. I studied everything carefully on the internet and came to my first therapy. After couple of minutes, my worries have vanished, suddenly I heard talking myself about my deepest secrets, very intimate ones. Whole therapy started and Irba sensitively guided me and quietly asked me questions. Afterwards, she explained me what sexuological bodywork is, what we are going to do. At the beginning it was not very pleasant for me and first therapy I ended up totally tired. Whole week I was very tired, body reaction. Then, something started to wake up, something I have already forgotten how it works. It was the energy. I will not say we are done after one therapy and I am the alfa male...step by step. It needs currage. You have to get to the point of doing something with yourself. You will understand that sex is not just a question of seconds. I discovered a lot, I started to feel and I understood what my partner may feel....that was very strong for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My education and training courses:
- Sexological Bodywork – Sexological work with the body – professional training, Joseph Kramer
School of Holistic Sensual Massage
Scars Healing
Vaginal Mapping
Pregnancy Massage
Craniosacral Therapy
RUŠ – Karel Nejedlý
Conscious BDSM
Relaxing and Sport Massages – acreditation
and others: Face massage, massage of head and hands, Thai massage of feet, massage of Five elements
Lifelong learning and personal development (coaching, work with intention)