„Perceptive and listening touch is the biggest gift I can pass over. This experience opens doors to new knowledge. .. My work is deeply affected by my personal experience and interest in human being.“
Klára about the massage:
Let your feelings flow freely and start to live your life with easiness, joy and trust.

„If you did not explore your body, you will not be able to explore your mind.“ Osho

„Listening is one of the deepest honours you can give to another person. To truly listen and feel that you are heard, that is deeply fulfilling in a deep human way.“ Gabriel Byrnes
In my many years of practical experience I gained skills, which help to restore the balance on all levels.
I will be happy to guide you and support you on your exploration journey.

What do clients say about Klára:
...Klara relaxed my body and relaxed my mind. Klara was patient and caring. As my body and mind relaxed I began to enter a different zone. It is a hard feeling to describe but it was if Klara was proposing a different way of interacting with her and with women. She treated me as a man, but not in a sexual or erotic way. She connected with me on a very deep way based on care, love and respect. It was very subtle but powerful. Much deeper than feeling relaxed. My perception of time changed. Had I been with Klara 30 mins or 2 hrs? I didn't know. Thank you Klara from my heart, for such a giving me such an experience,
...Her approach is loving, caring ad at the same time professional. I really appreciate her intuition. She can perfectly tune herself to what I need in each moment. Her touch goes deep into the skin – it is gentle and intensive at the same time. Klára communicated with me very well. She knew when to be quiet and when to speak. The whole time I felt her presence and safe atmosphere, which enabled me to fully relax and perceive my whole body...
...it was an amazing experience. I have never known such intensity and yet such inner calm! Klara has a touch that you feel immediately that she is so well experienced and she makes you feel so warm and welcome. This was an afternoon like no other - intensely relaxing, and intimate. Klára is a beautiful, tranquil and sensual person. The experience as a whole was out of this world and all my expectations were surpassed!...
Allow yourself the luxury of leaving all worries, obligations and work and let yourself be pampered. Relax your mind and perceive.... It is a very liberating feeling. Thank you to Venuše and Klára.
Hello Arkaya Team, big compliments for the Royal massage with Klara. It was absolut fantastic and given with real passion and empathy. Worth the name ”holistic and sensual”. See you next time.
Today I had a massage with Klara - it was the best massage I have had since I was in Prague before (4 years ago...).
...Thank you for yesterday! My massage with Klara was amazing. She is a wonderful woman and I felt very safe and comfortable with her.
I am very thankful for today’s enlightening, spiritual end extremely empowering session. I would definitely want to do it again.
My education and training courses:
- Professional Training – Kraniosakrální biodynamika – 3 roky (International Institute For Craniosacral Balancing- Bhadrena C. Tschumi Gemin a Kavi Gemin)
- Assistance to Courses of Denisa and Richard (Mgr. Denisa Palečková, Ing. Richard Vojík)
- Certified Professional Training in Sexological Bodywork (EASE, Joseph Kramer)
- Professional Training „Holistic Sensual Massage School“ (European Academy of Somatic Education EASE - Denisa Říha Palečková and Richard Vojík)
- Vaginal Mapping (European Academy of Somatic Education EASE - Denisa Říha Palečková and Richard Vojík)
- Scars Healing (European Academy of Somatic Education EASE - Denisa Říha Palečková and Richard Vojík)
- Scars Therapy (Clinical Seminar – Mgr. Věra Verchozinová)
Traditional SIAMU massage (Private Education – Stanislav Flandera)
And more: Deep Neck Massage, Head Massage, Voice and Breathing in Physiotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Soft Techniques, Relaxation Techniques, Massages in Health Care…