Reservations: +420 775 108 888  |


„Tantra as such is something sacred and magical to me. Therefore I perceive tantric massage as a way to oneself, to the essence of one’s perception and feeling."

Honza about the massage:

Tantra as such is something sacred and magical to me. Therefore I perceive tantric massage as a way to oneself, to the essence of one’s perception and feeling. By the means of touch and energy work I try to lead you this way and be your guide in places of which you do not even know that are hidden in you. From my own experience I know that in a safe area one can afford to be really oneself and go fully into one’s feelings and perceptions, which may be very relaxing and healing. Let me therefore invite you to this beautiful journey of exploring oneself.

What do clients say about Honza:

Massage from Honza was a magical experience to me. In the beautiful area of TantraSpa I felt comfortable and relaxed, before the massage Honza talked with me openly and thus melted my doubts and fears. His touch was beautiful and caring, he used different types of touches from very fine smoothing feathers to a strong and earthy grasp. I had some concerns regarding the intimate massage, but his touching was so pleasant that I rode on a wave of bliss and my body was moving to the rhythm of my awakened energy. Even several days after the massage I felt the clean and awakening energy throughout my body. My wholehearted thanks to Honza.
Hallo, I would love to express gratitude for the amazing tantric massage from Honza and in this way I would like to provide reference for Honza to people who consider trying out a tantric massage. It is absolutely wonderful experience when you can confidently get pampered and spoiled by touching of a gentle and kind man, who can read and sense your body... You will allow yourself to be receiving and to perceive through all senses and what those touches awaken up in you... Splendour and highly recommended to everyone! With love
Beautiful day, Honza, I want to thank you once again for an amazing experience with tantric massage. I appreciate your professionalism and how you created an environment full of trust and sensitivity which I could meet. My body and senses were enjoying a nice surge of energy and although I was currently very exhausted and without sexual appetite, I was surprised with what sensitivity you managed to wake everything in me up. I got from you exactly what my body needed and what it longed for: touch, respect and honour. Everything else what my body gave me was a bonus for me. Once again, thank you and I will gladly repeat it all again!!!
Naprosté vtělení jsem prožila při masážích s Honzou. Jeho ruce a tahy jsou kouzelné. Vstoupila jsem do nádherné místnosti, která mne přijala, obklopila svojí vůní s nádechem tajemna… To mrazení a nervozita z toho, co mě čeká, mě přešly hned při prvním doteku od Honzy. Cítila jsem se rázem tak klidná, uvolněná, v bezpečí. Honza mne provedl nádhernou krajinou mého těla. Vlastně doposud to bylo " jen mé tělo". Po masáži s Honzou se změnilo v mé krásné ženské tělo. Byla jsme to zase já. Celistvá a šťastná. A ten pocit trváááá…

My education and training courses:

  • Professional Training of the "Holistic Sensual Massage School" (EASE, Denisa Palečková and Richard Vojík)
  • Tantric training + assistance (John Hawken)
  • Shaman training (John Hawken)
  • The path of the soul (Petr Málek)
  • Way of contact I-III (Petr Málek)
  • Training Body, Heart, Soul (Alan Lowen)

Book your massage today

on +420 775 108 888

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