Reservations: +420 775 108 888  |


„All of us  are holders of incredible wisdom and love which is just waiting to be noticed and lived.“

Sália about the massage:

Conscious work with the body means for me journey into our centre where we are able to discover our biggest gifts which most of the time we are looking to find them outside of us.

Through touch we are able to see ourselves , we can learn how to let go of control but on the other side how to take full responsibility of the way we living, we can find out that if we change the way we approach our bodies we can live so much more than we are used to, we can make our wishes come true, we can change how we view life ,  feel accepted and honoured in our own experience,  feel freeand  loved, and at the end to be able to let go of all obstacles which stops us on our way home.

 will approach each of you with honour love and gentleness on your journey to deeper, happier, bigger and delightful experiencing your own self  in your personal story. With my full attention we can get on the way to this experience where I will create a safe place for you to be able to let go of what stops you living your uniqueness  . We will focus on what YOU will need to be able to relax, feel happier and to be able to feel your needs and boundaries (even in your life) . We will go together to the place where your body will melt into safeness and understanding . After that it can be filled with love and that is the place where you will be able to touch your essence-uniqueness.

Allow yourself to be alive, to shine, to be full of love and fully live yourself . It will be my honour to spend this moment on your unique journey.

With love

What do clients say about Sália:


My education and training courses:

  • School of Holistic Sensual Massage Core Touch I - European Academy of Somatic Education EASE – Denisa Říha Palečková and Richard Vojík
  • School of Holistic Sensual Massage Core touch II - European Academy of Somatic Education EASE – Denisa Říha Palečková and Richard Vojík

Book your massage today

on +420 775 108 888

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